How to make duration lines for proportional notation?
Now I have a file generated from random midi file (it should be ready
for any random notes). I switched off everything what I could, but weird
ties and dots occurs. Result what I would like to achieve is like SPR in
Guido Engine https://guidoeditor.grame.fr with „Show duration lines”
marked. Unfortunately I can't find any attempts to make it in lilypond.
\version "2.24.0"
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Note_heads_engraver"
\remove "Stem_engraver"
\consists "Completion_heads_engraver"
\remove "Rest_engraver"
\remove "Beam_engraver"
%\consists "Completion_rest_engraver"
\context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Bar_engraver"
\context {
\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
trackAchannelA = {
\tempo 4 = 60
\skip 4*8538/384
trackA = <<
\context Voice = voiceA \trackAchannelA
trackBchannelB = \relative c {
r4*390/384 d4*558/384 r4*58/384 f4*311/384 r4*226/384 c'4*698/384
r4*5/384 d,4*858/384 r4*310/384 f'4*208/384 r128*21 d4*428/384
r4*201/384 f4*374/384 r4*294/384 a128*27 r4*244/384 f4 r4*245/384
r4*617/384 d4*750/384
trackBchannelBvoiceB = \relative c {
r4*810/384 a'4*242/384 r4*227/384 g4*410/384 r4*511/384 a4*854/384
r4*532/384 e'4*294/384 r4*327/384 e4*359/384 r4*242/384 f,4*483/384
r4*161/384 g'4*412/384 r4*215/384 e4*322/384 r4*315/384 e4*713/384
trackBchannelBvoiceC = \relative c {
r4*2201/384 a''4*857/384 r4*1773/384 g4*388/384 r4*1497/384 d,4*1417/384
trackBchannelBvoiceD = \relative c {
r4*2207/384 d'4*707/384 r4*1939/384 a4*346/384 r4*1520/384 a4*1422/384
trackBchannelBvoiceE = \relative c {
r4*2906/384 g''4*572/384 r4*1385/384 g,4*826/384
trackBchannelBvoiceF = \relative c {
r4*5175/384 e16*5
trackB = <<
\context Voice = voiceB \trackBchannelB
\context Voice = voiceC \trackBchannelBvoiceB
\context Voice = voiceD \trackBchannelBvoiceC
\context Voice = voiceE \trackBchannelBvoiceD
\context Voice = voiceF \trackBchannelBvoiceE
\context Voice = voiceG \trackBchannelBvoiceF
\score {
\context Staff=trackB \trackA
\context Staff=trackB \trackB
\layout {}
\midi {}