Le jeudi 30 mars 2023 à 23:09 -0600, Jeff Olson a écrit :
> Both are properly cropped, as opposed to whole (tall?) pages.

The name "-dtall-page" could perhaps be clearer. It means that all
normal pages are taken and squashed together vertically.

If you also specify -dno-use-paper-size-for-page, each page is
cropped (as opposed to having the full size of the paper),
so you effectively get cropped output.

Maybe this will be clearer to you if you compile

\version "2.24.1"

\header {
  title = "Title"
  copyright = "Copyright"
  % try commenting out:
  tagline = ##f

% try commenting out:
#(ly:set-option 'use-paper-size-for-page #f)

#(ly:set-option 'tall-page-formats 'pdf)
{ c' \break c' \pageBreak c' \pageBreak c' }

> Based on these limited descriptions and discussions, and my
> requirement
> for properly cropped multi-system scores in separate image files, as
> opposed to un-cropped whole pages (tall pages?), I'd still think
> separate-page-formats should work.

-dtall-page-formats does do properly cropped multi-system scores.
I'm not sure what you mean by "in separate image files". There
is one image file per \book. Or did you mean "cropped
multi-*page* scores with one image per page"? (But in that
case, you might have several SVGs/PNGs for each MIDI.)

> Or am I still missing the one place where that explanation is
> provided?

It's here:


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