Le jeudi 30 mars 2023 à 18:31 -0600, Jeff Olson a écrit :

> Understood, but, like midi, the first file could (should) still have
> been un-suffixed.
> And the current mismatch between layout files and midi files is a
> good reason for the opposite:
> Consider this MWE named MidiMismatch.ly that generates pairs of svg
> and midi files:
> \version "2.24.1"
>  #(ly:set-option 'backend 'cairo)
>  #(ly:set-option 'separate-page-formats 'svg)
>  #(ly:set-option 'use-paper-size-for-page #f)
>  #(ly:set-option 'point-and-click #f)
>  \header { tagline = ##f }
>  \paper { print-page-number = ##f }
>  \score { { f' } \layout { } \midi { } }
>  \pageBreak
>  \score { { a' } \layout { } \midi { } }
>  \pageBreak
>  \score { { b' } \layout { } \midi { } }
> The suffices of its generated svg files are **off by one** from the
> midi files:
>    1 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None     119 Mar 30 17:15  MidiMismatch.mid*
>     1 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None     119 Mar 30 17:15  MidiMismatch-1.mid*
>     1 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None     119 Mar 30 17:15  MidiMismatch-2.mid*
>     8 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None    6496 Mar 30 17:15  MidiMismatch-1.svg*
>     8 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None    6502 Mar 30 17:15  MidiMismatch-2.svg*
>     8 -rwxrwxrwx+ 1 J None    6510 Mar 30 17:15  MidiMismatch-3.svg*

I disagree that this can be considered "off by one", for two reasons.

* It only happens if you have a sequence of scores that are all
  separated by a `\pageBreak`, and you separate-page-output.
  Namely, you are close to trying to generate one SVG and one
  MIDI file per score. Then why not just make separate \books?

* As soon as one of the scores takes more than one page, it breaks
  the pairing anyway. Comparing a sequence of scores with a sequence
  of pages when each score may result in several pages is
  comparing apples with oranges.

> > By the way, in addition to simplifying automation (like lilypond-
> > book),
>  The above example shows how this creates an automation nightmare.

That's not what I would call a nightmare. What would be a real
nightmare would be making it impossible to have separate-page
and tall-page output in the same run, doubling the compilation
time required to get all the desired outputs. Or adding the -1.svg
suffix only for the first page of separate-page output only there
is also tall-page output, which would mean you could write a working
script using separate-page output, then add tall-page output, and
it would break your previous work.

> >  having -1.svg even on the first page makes it possible to use both
> > separate-page-formats and tall-page-formats at the same time.
> So I added "#(ly:set-option 'tall-page-formats 'svg)" to the example
> above
>  and it produced MidiMismatch.svg (with three scores) which is what I
> assume you mean.
>  It had no effect on the off-by-one between midi and svg, of course.
> Nevertheless, couldn't the suffixing algorithm in all cases still
> start with
>  the un-suffixed named and add suffices only to resolve actual
> collisions?
> Removing the tall-page-formats line would then have begun with
> MidiMismatch.svg
>  matching MidiMismatch.mid (the note f') and all subsequent files
> would also match.

See above for why this is not desirable in my book.

> And that would also have enabled bookOutputName in my original
> example to have
>  complete control over the whole file name (with only one file per
> book).
> As it stands, it seems I'd have to use techniques outside of
> lilypond,
>  as David W suggests, in order to correct the filenames.  Is that
> what you're implying?

I don't understand the problem you're having. Is my suggestion of
using -dtall-page-formats not sufficient for your use case?

If you expect a 1-to-1 mapping between SVG files and MIDI files,
you can just put each piece into its own \book, with the
\bookOutputName of your choice, and compile it with
-dtall-page-formats=svg, and that should give you your desired
output files without suffixes.

The resulting SVGs will be concatenations of pages (each with
its page number for example, just all pages squashed together
in the same output file), but you can also use ly:one-page-breaking
if you want only one continuous page.

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