On 2023-03-25 7:58 am, Mark Mathias wrote:
Oops... Except it doesn't. The accent remains black when I run it in
2.24.0. (I'm only beginning to get a glimmer of how to use Scheme with

Hmm... I currently run 2.22 for my scores, and the snippet from the email thread does appear to work. Perhaps something changed in 2.24 that breaks the snippet's usage of a before-line-breaking procedure.

Here is something I threw together that utilizes a custom music function to do something similar, albeit with a local effect rather than global:

\version "2.22.0"

tweakArticulations =
  (articulation property value music)
  (string? key-list? scheme? ly:music?)
  (define (process-articulation art)
   (let ((type (ly:music-property art 'articulation-type)))
    (if (string=? articulation type)
        #{ \tweak $property $value $art #}
  (define (process-music mus)
   (let ((arts (ly:music-property mus 'articulations #f)))
    (if (list? arts)
        (ly:music-set-property! mus 'articulations
          (map process-articulation arts)))
  (music-map process-music (ly:music-deep-copy music)))

asdf = { b'4 -. -+  2 -\tweak font-size 3 -> -. 4 -+ -> }

  %% Example of applying one tweak:
  \tweakArticulations accent color #red \asdf

  %% Example of chaining multiple tweaks:
  \tweakArticulations stopped color #green
  \tweakArticulations stopped padding 2 \asdf

-- Aaron Hill

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