Thanks Michael,I think the issue might be that I am using explicit \coda and
\segno commands and your example uses the new \repeat segno form which will be
too complex in the specific big band chart I'm editing. It's about 160 bars
long with the segno in bar 24 and the "to coda" symbol in bar 48 and three
repeated sections, I got lost in the nested braces when I tried the new
structure. If I was writing it from scratch rather than re-editing it would be
simpler.ThanksLaurieSent from my Galaxy
-------- Original message --------From: Michael Werner <>
Date: 25/3/23 2:44 am (GMT+10:00) To: Laurie Savage <>
Cc: Lilypond-User Mailing List <> Subject: Re: Coda/Segno
sign color override not working: LiliyPond 2.24.0 Hi Laurie,On Fri, Mar 24,
2023 at 10:56 AM Laurie Savage <> wrote:Hi,I put this in
my layout block\context { \Score \override CodaMark.color = #red
\override SegnoMark.color = #red \override SectionLabel.color = #red
\override SectionLabel.font-size = #3 \override RehearsalMark.font-size =
#3 \override RehearsalMark.color = #red }The result is large red
rehearsal marks and large red section labels but black segno and coda signs.All
I can figure is that something somewhere is a bit out of place. I double
checked here, making sure to use the same version you mention (2.24.0) and it's
working as expected. Specifically:\version "2.24.0"\language "english"\layout {
\context { \Score \override CodaMark.color = #red \override
SegnoMark.color = #red \override SectionLabel.color = #red \override
SectionLabel.font-size = #3 \override RehearsalMark.font-size = #3
\override RehearsalMark.color = #red }}\new Score { \new Staff { \new
Voice { \fixed c' { \mark \default f1 f1
\sectionLabel "A1" f1 f1 \repeat segno 2 { g1 g1
\alternative { \volta 1 { \repeat unfold 4 { a2 } }
\volta 2 \volta #'() { \section \sectionLabel "Coda"
} } } b1 \fine } } }}is
producing:Could you post a small section of code showing how you're using