Hello David,

this is happening because the positioning of the slur will depend on the 
positioning of the tuplet number. The positioning of the tuplet number depends 
on the bracket. So I suppose calculation of the Slur forces calculation of the 
Bracket as if there was no Slur, and afterward the Bracket is positioned over 
the Slur.

This can be avoided by doing

\override TupletNumber.avoid-slur = ##f

which tells the Slur to ignore Tuplet numbers for positioning.


Am Samstag, 11. Februar 2023, 20:05:19 CET schrieb David Kastrup:
> Johannes Roeßler <j...@joei.de> writes:
> > Hi Group,
> > 
> > I've got notes with a slur within a triplet and want to have the spanner
> > and the slur above the notes, but the slur below the spanner.
> > 
> > \tuplet 3/2 { b4(f) g }
> > 
> > *
> > 
> > How can I change the priority?
> \new Staff \with
> { \override TupletBracket.outside-staff-priority = 100 }
> \fixed c' { \tuplet 3/2 { b4(f) g } }
> Don't ask me what's up with the vertical spacing.

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