Hi Group,
me again - I try to combine a few things I've learned - but fail.
I would like to have mensuration lines (using the example from here:
but I also need to have two voices in one staff.
This is what I've tried:
\version "2.24.0"
global = {
\hide Staff.BarLine
s1 s
\undo \hide Staff.BarLine
\bar "|."
sopI = \relative c'' {
c1 c
sopII = \relative c' {
f1 f
bass = \relative c'' {
c1 c
words = \lyricmode {
la la
\new StaffGroup
\new Staff {
\voices 1,2<< \global \sopI \sopII >>
\lyricsto "2" { \words }
\new Staff { << \global \bass >> }
I'm sure "\global" is not in the right position - but I still do not
understand enough of the concept to figure out, where to place it