
I tried to install 2.4.6 in Debian using Ferenc Wagner's sources from
http://tac.ki.iif.hu/.  After having the default ec-fonts-mftraced crash
and downloading the nerwer version (.deb), I got an install.  However,
all attempts to run lilypond on the simplest file resulted in a
segmentation fault.  I tried using the smallest example from the
tutorial and compiling but got crashes.  So I reverted back to version
2.2.6-3 in the Debian Sarge repository and at least it works.  Is this a
common problem with Debian folks?

Also, I am trying to typeset a score choir.  The choir will be split
into 2, then 3, then back to 2 sections.  There are no sung notes, only
rhythmic clapping and stomping.  Some sort of drum mode would be ideal
for scoring but how do I use a mode like that in a piece with 2-3

I am using version 2.2.6-3 right now.

Thanks a lot in advance,

Sterling MacNay

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