Have you looked at the Tips and Tricks document and the Regression Test
document in the on-line documentation? They provide exactly what you ask
for. Also, all(?) these examples plus more are also available in the
LilyPond Snippet Repository, see that link at http://www.lilypond.org/web/documentation


Roman Käppeler wrote:
Graham Percival wrote:

At the moment this does not suffice for me. The manual just gives the basics, but to get the result from this basics is still very, very difficult! To write the notes is very, very easy, but to put different staves together or something else still drives me gracy. I > could waste many stupid questions if there is a manual with many, many more pictures, showing nearly all possibilites to put staves and notes together!

Is it possible to make such a manual??

Short answer: no, it's not possible.

Long answer: "nearly all possibilities to put staves and notes together" is nearly infinite. Think about how many instrument combinations are used in the world. Chamber groups, orchestra, wind band music, opera, masses, choirs... there's no way we can cover all the possibilities.

Yes that's true and I wrote my suggestion a bit inexact. But my opinion
is examples, examples, examples... While trying to do a bit of work I
read the appropriate parts in the manual and the experience was, that
the standard-cases with only few notes logically work without problem,
but put them together to the final result you want to have is still
(too) difficult.

If there are more pictures in the manual, describing more cases with
staves and contexts and so on, it would be a great help!

It's much more useful to explain how to create (or modify) your own templates.

More templates? Maybe, everyone who is interested in contributing can
put a part of his personal .ly file to the web with a picture and others
can take a look to the picture and copy the appropriate parts. Isn't
this possible?

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