I really hope that you have seen the section in the manual called
"Example Templates". I agree that this section could be improved
further if these templates had more comments (maybe not within the
template itself but in the accompanying text).
Another hint is to use jedit as text editor since it has very good
support for LilyPond, including an automatic template setup function
where you specify what you want in your score using a graphical


dpeach wrote:
For me the examples that we have in the manual are good, but not everything I would like to see.

You may be interested in looking at Mutopia (www.mutopiaproject.org), which contains lots of Real examples.

Mutopia has been a huge help to me. What I do is find a piece of music similar to what I want. Then I modify it to suit my needs. I realize that as an advanced user of Lilypond, this is not a time saver and can actually introduce horrible troubleshooting headaches. But for a beginner, this has been a great help.


What I think would go a long way to helping understand some of the concepts is to take a full score of various types of music and severely documenting the .ly file. That way someone can read the .ly file of the music and get the snippets in context. You would not have to do every style of music, nor even really complicated ones. Probably 5 well chosen pieces (or even made up pieces with no musical value) would do it. For example have a vocal/choir piece, an instrumental with several staves, modern, classical and something else.

Not every Lilypond concept could be covered, but much of the basics will be there. But the key is documenting the .ly file so that the reader can see in context how the whole is constructed.

If this exists, then forgive the suggestion and point me to the right place. The snippets help, but I am better helped by seeing the whole rather than the parts that make it.


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