Minimal example:

\version "2.24.0"
\fixed c {
  \clef bass
    <d f a>2.
    <d f a>2.


When I look *real* closely, I see four dots the first time and three dots
the second; but the attached image shows how this looks in the source
score, with the dotted-quarter note shifted horizontally from the dotted
half-note chord.  To my untrained eye, that looks much clearer than what
Lilypond is producing.

(a) Is the Lilypond default presentation really the better way of
indicating this?  If so, I can just leave it alone.  Otherwise,

(b) I've tried following the examples in
but I can’t figure out what I need to `\tweak` to accomplish this
horizontal shift.

With thanks,
—Joel C. Salomon

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