On Mon 05 Sep 2022 at 13:19:44 (-0400), Craig Bakalian wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks, got it.  I used to be a C programmer, lol.  You think I would
> know.  I must say that I did like the sh file better than sudo mv.  
> One more question though, I can't move it to usr/share because that is
> where the usr/share/lilypond folder is that holds 2.22.1, right?

Yes, I wouldn't commingle versions, particularly downloaded ones
with distribution ones.

> I am
> thinking a good place for it is usr/local/share/.

Because of the lilypond binary itself, I would prefer a bin/, like
but as I'm the only one using it here, I just use ~/lilypond-2.23.12/…
along with several other versions. I don't modify my $PATH.

I run LP with a bash function having the following options:

  -p restore Point-and-click (increases size, reveals paths),
  -x run eXperimental cairo backend (for 2.23.12 on, PDF-1.5, doubles size),
  -l retain the Log output rather than moving it to trash,
  -v run a specific Version of LilyPond from $HOME,
  -s run the Stable version rather than the newest,
  -o run the Oldest version from $HOME,
  -d run the installed Debian version,
  -c Crop PDF file with pdfcrop for inclusion within LaTeX files.


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