Hi David,

Thanks, got it.  I used to be a C programmer, lol.  You think I would know.  I must say that I did like the sh file better than sudo mv.   One more question though, I can't move it to usr/share because that is where the usr/share/lilypond folder is that holds 2.22.1, right?  I am thinking a good place for it is usr/local/share/.



Message: 2
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2022 10:53:26 -0500
From: David Wright <lily...@lionunicorn.co.uk>
To: Craig Bakalian <craigbakal...@gmail.com>
Cc: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Subject: Re: Latest Version sh file?
Message-ID: <YxYbdsjse7oFEG2/@axis.corp>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

On Mon 05 Sep 2022 at 10:39:23 (-0400), Craig Bakalian wrote:
I do appreciate using the latest version of lilypond.  I went to
download the latest version, because I did a complete update to my
computer with mint 21, and the linux latest version to download
appears to be source files.  Didn't it used to be a sh file?  I would
just sudo sh the latest version and typeset with glee.  What is up?
Just unpack the archive, when the top-level directory will be
lilypond-2.23.12. Move this to any permanent location you like.

Run lilypond and the other binaries either by giving their full path,
or by adding lilypond-2.23.12/bin to your $PATH (under the name you chose).

Uninstall, if required, by removing the top-level directory.



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