Fair enough.

I spent all afternoon on it. I am utterly unable to get Qt4 going on Alma Linux despite decades of being a UNIX programmer. I think it's futile. I conisdered doing the port of Frescobaldi to Qt6 but that is a large job, and besides, may destabilise other peoples installs

A few years ago I wrote a step by step guide to getting gvim working with Lilypond on Ubuntu. If you search the mailing list you will find it. It may be useful to you and easily adaptable. There's really only one way to do it, and some of the steps are given in this thread by others. As an aside, I find mupdf to be more lightweight and easier to get going than evince.

Alma Linux is great, but probably not a good platform for Frescobaldi at this point.


On 3/09/2022 5:54 pm, J Martin Rushton wrote:
On Sat, 2022-09-03 at 11:23 +1000, Andrew Bernard wrote:

How committed are you to Alma Linux? At this point I would recommend

Pretty committed.  I

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