Well well. Alma Linux is indeed a fine distro, but now I agree with you about dependencies on this linux. Part of the process to install PyQt4 is to install enough of Qt4 to get qmake and that's a nightmare. It's absurdly complicated. And Qt4 has been obsoleted anyway, making this all that much harder.

How committed are you to Alma Linux? At this point I would recommend a distro that you don't have to fight with, such as Ubuntu, which has frescobaldi in the repo anyway.

If you cannot or will not change from Alma Linux I can push on. Do let me know.


On 3/09/2022 9:37 am, Andrew Bernard wrote:
I've come late to this thread, but if you are on Alma Linux I'll run a VM up and figure this for you. Don''t despair.

I'm not aware of any 'dependency hell' on several other Linux distros, so let me sort this out and post a set of instructions how to install it.

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