Hello Mancunius, personally I like to do such things like this:
\language "english" global = { \key d \major } soprano=\relative c'{ r2 r4 fs b4 b8 b d2 ~ d4 cs cs %\breathe d ~ d8 cs b4 b as b2. fs4 fs2 r2 } startTie = #(define-music-function (m) (ly:music?) #{ << \once\set tieWaitForNote = ##t \tweak staff-position #1 \tweak transparent ##t c''-\tweak direction #DOWN ~ $m >> #}) endTie = #(define-music-function (m) (ly:music?) #{ << \tweak staff-position #1 \tweak transparent ##t c'' $m >> #}) \layout { \context { \Lyrics \consists Note_heads_engraver \consists Tie_engraver } } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- \startTie um, \endTie O __ sa -- _ crum con -- ví -- vi -- um } \score { { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> } } The main problem here is that this will align the tie to the actual position, not to the right/left edges of the LyricsText. For this it would be quite simple to do some engraver magic that sets appriate hook for such alignment. Cheers, Valentin Am Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2022, 12:34:58 CEST schrieb mancunius: > Hello. In the following example I want the undertie to be placed between the > 2 “O sacrum convivium” lines of lyrics, to indicate that no breath should > be taken by the singers - as per the normal choral convention. (cf. the > commented-out \breathe command in the music itself.) As it currently > compiles, the undertie is placed beneath the word “O” of the second phrase. > How do I adjust it so that it becomes a link between the 2 phrases, not > part of one of them? (I’ve attached a screenshot of what I would like to > achieve) > > Thanks, > > mancunius > > \version "2.20.0" > \language "english" > > global = > { > \key d \major > } > > soprano=\relative c'{ > r2 r4 fs > b4 b8 b d2 ~ > d4 cs cs %\breathe > d ~ > d8 cs b4 b as > b2. fs4 > fs2 r2 > } > > sopranotext=\lyricmode{ > O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, \markup\undertie > O __ sa -- _ crum con -- ví -- vi -- um > } > > \score { > { > \new Staff << > \global > \new Voice="v1" > { > \clef "treble" > \soprano > } > \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} > > } > }
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