On Fri 22 Jul 2022 at 12:52:17 (+0200), mancunius wrote: > On 22 Jul 2022, at 10:41, Jean Abou Samra <j...@abou-samra.fr> wrote: > > Le 22/07/2022 à 10:27, Simon Albrecht a écrit : > >> On 20/07/2022 12:34, mancunius wrote: > >>> Hello. In the following example I want the undertie to be placed between > >>> the 2 “O sacrum convivium” lines of lyrics, to indicate that no breath > >>> should be taken by the singers - as per the normal choral convention. > >>> (cf. the commented-out \breathe command in the music itself.) As it > >>> currently compiles, the undertie is placed beneath the word “O” of the > >>> second phrase. > >> > >> This is because the markup command \undertie requires an argument and so > >> it is applied to the following syllable. > >> > >> What I would suggest is a dotted or dashed slur between the notes like > >> this: > >> > >> { \once\dashedSlur cs( d) }
> > Well, as David W. mentioned, there is predefined syntax with "~" to create > > a tie. Its length is fixed, however. > > > > { c'1 1 } > > \addlyrics { aah~ aah } > > > > Do you think it's conventional to make the tie extend to the next syllable? > > Thank you for the replies. The lyric tie doesn’t need to extend to the next > syllable, but it looks odd when appended to the left syllable at the same > time as displacing it; it looks like an error, Sure, I pointed that out; and as I implied, for precision you need to make adjustments in X position. It just depends on who's the target of your engraving. > especially if the left syllable were to stretch across more than one note as > in the revised example below. Well that actually solves the alignment problem, because it forces left-alignment of the lyric. > The purpose of a dotted slur between the notes is ambiguous, so I’d rather > not take that route. … and when the piece is strophic, it doesn't actually specify which verses carry over, particularly if the engraver wishes to preserve, but contradict, the text's punctuation (as here). > My preference is to have a lyric tie equally spaced between the two > syllables: it looks elegant and its purpose is clear. I suppose a scheme expert might be able to hack that out of a fake lyric hyphen rendered as a slur. (Technically, these are lyric slurs, of course.) But my preference is attached, because that's the syllable affected. That said, if there's a new line involved, I prefix the second syllable with a slur too, as a reminder when the eye has moved ahead. Again, adjustments …. Anyway, when following a tied note, perhaps pick a method that suits. There's a snippet attached (the ! example is just to document that the padding argument is optional). Cheers, David.
\language "english" \include "extender.ily" extendSlur = #(extend "‿" 0.2) extendBang = #(extend "!") global = { \key d \major } soprano=\relative c'{ r4 cs cs a d e cs fs ~ fs %\breathe b, fs' fs8 fs a4. a8 g4 fs } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, \extendSlur O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, con } \score { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- "um,__‿" O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, con } \score { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- "um,__ ~" O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, con } \score { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- "um, ~" O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, con } \score { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, \extendBang O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, con } \score { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> } sopranotext=\lyricmode{ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um,~ __ O sa -- crum con -- ví -- vi -- um, con } \score { \new Staff << \global \new Voice="v1" { \clef "treble" \soprano } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "v1" {\sopranotext} >> }
\version "2.22.1" % 2016-10-18 %% Puts punctuation etc onto the end of a lyric extender. %% http://lsr.di.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=643 %% see also http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.18/Documentation/notation/common-notation-for-vocal-music %LSR contributed by Neil Puttock #(define (extend text . padding) (let ((extender (make-music 'ExtenderEvent)) ;; optional padding (padding (if (pair? padding) (car padding) 0))) (set! (ly:music-property extender 'tweaks) (acons 'stencil (lambda (grob) (let* ((orig (ly:grob-original grob)) (siblings (ly:spanner-broken-into orig))) (if (or (null? siblings) (and (>= (length siblings) 2) (eq? (car (last-pair siblings)) grob))) (ly:stencil-combine-at-edge (ly:lyric-extender::print grob) X RIGHT (grob-interpret-markup grob text) padding) (ly:lyric-extender::print grob)))) (ly:music-property extender 'tweaks))) extender))
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