On Mon 23 May 2022 at 14:43:33 (-0700), Ralph Palmer wrote: > > I'm still having trouble. My laptop was worked on recently, and the > technician renamed my root account from rpalmer to ralph.
That would be odd indeed: the root account is normally called root. Do you perhaps mean your user account, perhaps the first that was originally set up, in which case the $UID is typically 1000. > All my data and > programs were also gone. I did not realize the implications of the root > name change, so I did a full restore from my last backup. The restore was > sort of successful. All the data came back, but Frescobaldi and LilyPond > both are having difficulties. Presumably the same as you reported earlier? ie you can run F~ happily, but it can't find LP, as you've yet to tell it where the new version is located. > I've tried uninstalling LilyPond, and when I > run <where lilypond> from terminal, it says the command cannot be found. > When I run <uninstall-lilypond> from terminal, it names the > /home/*rpalmer*/bin/ > folders and items, but says in each case there is no such file or > directory. OK. That will be because at the time it was installed, rpalmer was the directory name, so that was used as the prefix for the installed filenames, and in those files' scripts. Consequently, what you want to do is remove files with names like /home/ralph/bin/lilypond-wrapper.guile rather than /home/rpalmer/bin/lilypond-wrapper.guile, and so on. There should be about 8 links and 3 real files: all should be readable text, and should contain references to the string 2.23.6. The symlinks will probably be dangling. (There's also the uninstall-lilypond file itself for you to remove last.) > My /home directory is now /home/*ralph*. I still have a folder > /home/*ralph*/lilypond, with 6 items, and <lilypond-2.23.6-1.linux-64.sh> > in my home directory. Yes, well the latter is the LP installer for the /old/ lilypond, which you don't need any more. (You've still got a copy in your backups.) But as for /home/*ralph*/lilypond, with 6 items, I don't have a clue. I'm two timezones away, and can't quite squint over your shoulder. List the six items. I don't know whether your backup restoration programs sets the timestamps when it restores programs. (That's why it's frustrating that you /talk about/ files but don't /list/ them.) If so, then 2.23.6 files will have their old timestamps, and we know that the 2.23.9 timestamps /must/ be younger than 2022-05-20 00:00. Here's my own new LP installation: $ ls -Glg lilypond-2.23.9-linux-x86_64/ total 24 drwxr-x--- 2 4096 May 20 10:35 bin drwxr-x--- 4 4096 May 20 10:35 etc drwxr-x--- 5 4096 May 20 10:35 lib drwxr-x--- 2 4096 May 21 17:43 libexec drwxr-x--- 2 4096 May 20 10:35 licenses drwxr-x--- 7 4096 May 20 10:35 share $ The oddball date is because I corrected /libexec/lilypond-invoke-editor: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2022-05/msg00256.html Note I append the architecture to the directory name after unpacking. > I don't know how to stop terminal from looking for lilypond in /home/ > *rpalmer*/bin. By removing the ~dozen files I've suggested. We need to get back to a state where the dialogue looks like: $ lilypond bash: lilypond: command not found $ after which you can sort out either your $PATH or the method by which you're going to run the new version. > Would simply deleting the lilypond folder and its contents allow me to > reinstall LilyPond 2.23.9? Dunno. The first time you mentioned this folder at /home/*ralph*/lilypond (above), you wrote that you "still have" it. What does that mean? From when? And where did you unpack 2.23.9 into? > Along these same lines, where might I find the appropriate PATH > designations? That depends on what sort of Linux installation you have, and how you login. Here's mine: $ grep 'PATH' .bash*[!~] .prof*[!~] .xsess*[!~] .bash_profile:export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin:$HOME/.local/bin" # Don't hide system ones grep: .prof*[!~]: No such file or directory $ That's pretty standard for running a Window Manager and no Desktop Environment, designed for the $PATH to be modified precisely once. Others might help with DEs' and DMs' secret hideaways if that's what you use. Cheers, David.