Greetings - I'm still having trouble. My laptop was worked on recently, and the technician renamed my root account from rpalmer to ralph. All my data and programs were also gone. I did not realize the implications of the root name change, so I did a full restore from my last backup. The restore was sort of successful. All the data came back, but Frescobaldi and LilyPond both are having difficulties. I've tried uninstalling LilyPond, and when I run <where lilypond> from terminal, it says the command cannot be found. When I run <uninstall-lilypond> from terminal, it names the /home/*rpalmer*/bin/ folders and items, but says in each case there is no such file or directory. My /home directory is now /home/*ralph*. I still have a folder /home/*ralph*/lilypond, with 6 items, and <> in my home directory.
I don't know how to stop terminal from looking for lilypond in /home/ *rpalmer*/bin. Would simply deleting the lilypond folder and its contents allow me to reinstall LilyPond 2.23.9? Along these same lines, where might I find the appropriate PATH designations? I appreciate any help you can give me. All the best, Ralph -- Ralph Palmer Seattle USA (he, him, his)