Kevin Cole <> writes:

> On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 3:49 PM David Kastrup <> wrote:
>> We are happy to announce the release of LilyPond 2.23.8. This is termed
>> a development release, but these are usually reliable. If you want to
>> use the current stable version of LilyPond, we recommend using the
>> 2.22.2 version.
>> In this release, dropping Guile 1.8 support has finally become possible
>> also for our sources. We'd like to dedicate this release to Ian Hulin
>> who was one of the first systematically working on our numerous
>> roadblocks for Guile 2 migration after tackling a few other high-level
>> problems. In the time spans where his health permitted it, he was able
>> to significantly reduce the amount of remaining problems for the Guile 2
>> migration after having started working on them in 2010, making the goal
>> that we finally reached now more tangible for others to work on after he
>> left us in 2015.
> Is there any plan to retire some -- not all -- of the documentation for
> versions long dead? Or, at the very least, confine the searches to the
> version of the documentation from which the search was initiated?

I see in

# avoid 404s -- so that we can take action if any occur in /stats
# Comment from Phil 9 July 2013 to allow tracking file through build

User-agent: *
Disallow: /doc/v1.6/
Disallow: /doc/v1.8/
Disallow: /doc/v1.9/
Disallow: /doc/v2.0/
Disallow: /doc/v2.1/
Disallow: /doc/v2.2/
Disallow: /doc/v2.3/
Disallow: /doc/v2.4/
Disallow: /doc/v2.5/
Disallow: /doc/v2.6/
Disallow: /doc/v2.7/
Disallow: /doc/v2.8/
Disallow: /doc/v2.9/
Disallow: /doc/v2.10/
Disallow: /doc/v2.11/
Disallow: /doc/v2.12/
Disallow: /doc/v2.13/
Disallow: /doc/v2.14/
Disallow: /doc/v2.15/
Disallow: /doc/v2.16/
Disallow: /doc/v2.17/
Disallow: /doc/v2.18/
Disallow: /doc/v2.19/
Disallow: /doc/v2.20/

Disallow: /web/

Do you have an indication that this is not working for some search engines?

David Kastrup

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