Evan Driscoll <eva...@gmail.com> writes:

> Great, thanks! I tried something like that, but never had the space between
> the offset amount and following _, which in retrospect makes sense but I
> didn't think of at the time. I also agree in that context just the X-offset
> version looks better and now I'm using that in one of the two places it
> appears, though at the other some additional "collisions".
> I've got hopefully just one more question for my current project before I
> declare it good enough -- I can't get positioning tweaks to apply to either
> \tempo indications or rehearsal \marks.
> http://lilybin.com/vhf35h/15 shows that problem -- this one isn't really
> well-motived by the example and I just chose a random offset to show it not
> working (here I'm using X-offset but in context I probably want Y as well),
> but the output is the same whether the overrides are commented out or not.

Well, you need to apply such overrides at the context level where the
engraver sits.  Without any specification, the Bottom context is used
which usually is Voice (or TabVoice or similar) which is suitable for
things like beams, stems, noteheads, slurs.  However, tempo and
metronome marks usually sit at the Score level (namely are engraved only
once per multi-staff system) so you need to adapt the override

\relative c' {
 \once\override Score.RehearsalMark.X-offset=#10
 \tempo "Allegro"
 \once\override Score.MetronomeMark.X-offset=#10

David Kastrup

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