On 2022-04-12 12:25 pm, Evan Driscoll wrote:
http://lilybin.com/vhf35h/5 for example.

I have a note that has two text decorations on it, c^"pizz"_"marc", as well
as a dynamic \f.

By default everything gets stacked (http://lilybin.com/vhf35h/6), but that gets really busy -- there's actually a tempo marking and rehearsal mark at that place as well. (I also left off \italic on the marc. but it's in my
real version.)

I can move the TextScript object*s* with *\once \override
TextScript.extra-offset = #'(2.1 . 1.7)*, but that moves both. I'd like to get the 'marc' side by side with the \f obviously without moving the arco

I suspect this has to do with \tweak in there somehow but I can't figure
out the right incantation.

You need to use the post-event form for \tweak.  Consider:

marc = -\markup \italic "marc."

\relative c' {
  -\tweak extra-offset #'(2.1 . 1.7) _\marc
 c c c

\relative c' {
  -\tweak X-offset #2 _\marc
 c c c

NOTE: I think the X-offset tweak looks a little cleaner.

-- Aaron Hill

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