On Sun, Mar 27, 2022 at 10:31 AM Jogchum Reitsma <j.reit...@hccnet.nl>

> Hi,
> Brahms' Waldesnacht has an intro stanza number one, and after that a
> twice repeated melody, with stanza's 2 and three.
> How can I achieves those stanza's to begin at the repeat?


It would normally be better to reduce your music to a one measure stanza
and a one measure repeat before posting to the list.  That makes it easier
for both you and the list members to see what is happening.

I've changed your code to show how I would do it.

1) Put stanza 1 music in a separate music variable.
2) Put repeat music in a separate music variable.
3) Make the soprano part by combining stanza 1 and  the repeat music.
4) Put one Voice and one NullVoice in your staff.
    a) The Voice has your soprano notes
    b) The NullVoice has a skip for the stanza 1 and notes from the repeat
5) Add two Lyrics contexts in parallel with the Staff (as part of the
  a) The first Lyrics has the text for Verse 1 followed by the text for
verse2.  It is put to the soprano voice
  b) The second Lyrics has the text for Verse 3.  It is put to the
nullvoice, so no lyrics go with the skip.

And it all works out.

\version "2.22.1"

\header {
  title = "Waldesnacht"
  subtitle = "(Aus dem Jungbrunnen von Paul Heyse)"
  composer = "Johannes Brahms"
  opus = "62 nr. 3"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a4")

global = {
  \key d \major
  \time 4/4
  \tempo "Etwas langsam"

sopranoStanzaOne= \relative c' {
fis4 \p ^\markup { \italic "dolce" } a e4. fis8
g4 fis e2
e4 a2 b4
cis d a4. g8
fis4. r8 a4 a
a4. g8 g4 g
g4. f8 f4 ^\markup { \italic "cresc" } e
 d4. d8 dis4 dis
e8 r
e'2 e4
e2. cis4
a2. f4
e4. r8 g4.\( \pp g8
g4. g8 fis4. b8
b2 e,4 \) r
a4. \( a8 d,4. g8\)
r2 fis4 \p a
e4. fis8 g4 b
fis4.fis8 b4 d
d4. \f a8 a4. g8
fis4 c'2 \f a4
e) d d2~
d cis d2 \fermata r}

sopranoRepeat = \relative c' {
    fis4  \p ^\markup { \italic "dolce" } a e4. fis8
        g4 fis e2
        e4 a2 b4
        cis d a4. g8
        fis4. r8 a4 a
        a4. g8 g4 \p g
        g4. f8 f4 ^\markup { \italic "cresc" } e
        d4. d8 dis4 dis
        e8 r e'2 e4
        e2. cis4
        a2. f4
        e4. r8 g4. \pp \( g8
        d4. g8 fis4. b8
        b2 e,4 \) r
        a4. \( a8 d,4. g8 \)
        r2 fis4 \p a
        e4. fis8 g4 b
        fis4. fis8
        b4 d
        d4. \f a8 a4. g8
        fis4 c'2 \f a4
        fis2.( e4~
        e) d d2~
        d cis
        d \fermata r

soprano = \relative c' {
  \repeat volta 2 \sopranoRepeat

alto = \relative c' {


tenor = \relative c' {


bass = \relative c {


sopranoVerseOne = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "1."
Wal -- des -- nacht, du wun -- der -- küh -- le,
die ich tan -- send Ma -- le grüß;
nach dem lau -- ten Walt -- ge -- wüh -- le,
o, wie is dein Rau -- schen süß,
o, wie is dein Rau -- schen süß!
Trau -- me -- risch die mü -- den Glie -- der
erg ich weich ins Moos,
und mir ist, als würd ich wie -- der
all der ir -- ren Qua -- len los,
all der ir -- ren Qua -- len los.

sopranoVerseTwo = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "2."
Fer -nes Flö -- ten -- lied,

sopranoVerseThree = \lyricmode {
  \set stanza = "3."
In den heim -- lich

\score {
  \new ChoirStaff <<
  \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible
    \new Staff \with {
      midiInstrument = "choir aahs"
      instrumentName = "Soprano"
      shortInstrumentName = "S."
    } <<
      \new Voice = "sopVoice" {\soprano }
      \new NullVoice = "sopStanzaThree" {
        #(skip-of-length sopranoStanzaOne)
    >>% end of Staff Material
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopVoice" {\sopranoVerseOne \sopranoVerseTwo}
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sopStanzaThree" {\sopranoVerseThree}

  >> %end of ChorStaff
  \layout { }


Hope this is helpful.


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