Hi Colin,
I haven’t tried it myself, but generally publishers have a house style
and want all their publications to comply with that house style. It’s
offputting to me, because I have my own aesthetic preferences which
don’t match with what computer typesetting typically looks like, so I
would love if them simply taking .pdfs and adding front matter/page
numbers etc. was a thing. Sadly, I don’t think it is.
Urs Liska and collaborator(s) had a major success with their
LilyPond/LaTeX edition of Oskar Fried lieder which received a German
Edition of the Year award. However, the publisher they worked with is so
small it barely exists.
Best, Simon
On 12/03/2022 18:51, Colin Campbell wrote:
As the title implies: I've just converted a score from Finale, after
the composer had given up trying to get a readable layout. He's
delighted with the result, and seems interested in exploring LP. As he
is also considering publishing his piece, my question to the community
is: which publishers will accept submission in Lilypond format (or
perhaps as .PDF or .SVG) and do you have any recommendations or