Hello Lilypond friends,

I am working on a polyphone piece of music which employs a ChoirStaff, and
proceeded to make a local layout block in the score a global one.

The include to make a *global* layout block works just fine, but if I
eliminate the layout block in the score block itself, the music no longer
compiles. Please see the comment starting with % [Help].

Any ideas why this might be? Other pieces where I have only a single voice,
I rely only upon the global block from an include, and compules fine
without a layout block in the score block.

Files are attached.

\score {

    \midi {

  \tempo 4 = 130


    \new ChoirStaff <<

  \new Staff = "CantusPrimus" \with {

     instrumentName = \markup { \bold "Cantus I" }

     shortInstrumentName = "C.I"



     \new Voice = "CantusPrimus" <<




  \new Lyrics \lyricsto "CantusPrimus" { \CantusPrimusText }





*% [Help] Cannot eliminate this layout block (!)*

*  \layout {*

*  } % end layout*

} % end Score

Many thanks,


Attachment: le--lectio_prima-incipit_lamentatio-victoria-new.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: quator-vocibus-layout.ly
Description: Binary data

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