Mats -

Thanks yet again.

The pointer to Scheme is enlightening.

I do find that some of the alist entries are required.

                          - Bruce

-----Original Message-----
From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2005 4:20 AM
To: Fairchild
Subject: Re: Space after clef

Fairchild wrote:
> Thanks Mats.
> I spent hours trying to find this, stumbled on it, but didn't know how 
> to use it.  I expected to find something equivalent to \hspace in 
> \markup. Often I want to add or subtract a little space among the 
> notes.  Feature request?
> What's the logical process I should have followed to find this 
> information?
> Is there a place - a glossary - that explains the terms?

You mean 'ambitus', 'staff-bar' and so on? They are defined by the property
'break-align-symbol' for the respective layout objects. For example, the
'break-align-symbol' property for the object Ambitus is 'ambitus'. See also
the second link I provided in the previous answer.

> Is there a source for the syntax you provided?

The value is a Scheme list. However, if you just look at a few examples,
it's easy to grasp the pattern.

> Is it necessary to include the whole list?

I just copied the default value of the list and changed the spacing to
next-note. The list covers a number of cases that often appear in normal
score, i.e. that a clef is follow by a key signature or a time signature or
a bar line or ... Of course, if you know that one of these cases never will
happen in your score, then there's no need to include it.

> Using the alist (What's an alist?) as you suggested, interspersed 
> comment lines are not accepted.  Bug?

'alist' is short for association list, which is a common concept in LISP
related languages like Scheme. For comments, just use the comment syntax of
Scheme, i.e.

\override Staff.Clef #'space-alist = #'(
        ; Copy of the default values:
        (ambitus extra-space . 2.0)
        (staff-bar extra-space . 0.7)
        (key-cancellation minimum-space . 4.0)
        (key-signature minimum-space . 4.0)
        (time-signature minimum-space . 4.2)
        (first-note minimum-fixed-space . 5.0)
        ; Changed the default value 0.5 to 1.5:
        (next-note extra-space . 1.5)
        (right-edge extra-space . 0.5))

See the Scheme tutorial in the manual with its link to other Scheme
documention for more information.


>                                        - Bruce
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mats Bengtsson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 6:11 AM
> To: Fairchild
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Space after clef
> This is controlled by the space-alist property, see 
> and
> You might want to increase the extra space to the next note from the 
> default 0.5 to 1.5 or so: \override Staff.Clef #'space-alist = #'(
>       (ambitus extra-space . 2.0)
>       (staff-bar extra-space . 0.7)
>       (key-cancellation minimum-space . 4.0)
>       (key-signature minimum-space . 4.0)
>       (time-signature minimum-space . 4.2)
>       (first-note minimum-fixed-space . 5.0)
>       (next-note extra-space . 1.5)
>       (right-edge extra-space . 0.5))
>     /Mats
> Fairchild wrote:
>>In v 2.4.3, transcribing solo scores with multiple clef changes within 
>>bars, notes following the clef glyphs are too close to the glyphs.
>>Using \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #2.0 causes added space 
>>both prior to and following the glyphs.
>>Is there a way to insert extra space selectively following clef
>>                                 - Bruce
>>lilypond-user mailing list

        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        Signals, Sensors and Systems
        Royal Institute of Technology
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
         Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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