On Sunday 15 May 2005 02.30, Robert T Wyatt wrote:
> MacOS 10.3.9
> Normally I use lilypond from the Terminal.app command line so I use
> Preview to view the PDFs. Today I was using a KDE xterm so I used
> kghostview to view the PDF. Turns out that cautionary accidentals are
> shifted to the right when viewed this way. The parentheses are in the
> correct position, the normal accidentals are in the right position, but
> the symbol (flat, natural, sharp) are all trailing by about a
> dotted-notehead-length from where they ought to be.
> I found that regardless of whether I built the PDF from within xterm or
> Terminal.app, the PDFs were correct with Preview and Adobe Reader and
> KPDF but incorrect with kghostview.
> So it sounds like a problem with kghostview... any suggestions?

You could:
-try gv or ggv
-see what happens if you change ghostscript version.
-send a bugreport to either kghostview or ghostscript, depending on the 
results of the above two experiments.


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