At 14:36 20/02/2022 -0800, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
I'm not sure I totally understand your response.

Evidently so.

I'd like to see the bar number displayed on the next line as that is when the incomplete measure is completed.

What, please, makes you think I didn't understand that?

I indeed hope that with the next release I'll be able to have the bar number displayed automatically or have a mechanism to force it to be displayed.

And why do you not think that the snippet I identified does that for you? (You don't need any new releases.)

As I said, the 2.23 Notation Reference (which you can easily look up) explains the situation at 1.2.5 Bars. It even provides a snippet that shows you what to do. (I even confirmed that the technique and snippet work in your version 2.22, despite not appearing in the 2.22 documentation.) What happened when you tried that snippet or incorporated it into your work?

Brian Barker

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