Hi Brian;

  I'm not sure I totally understand your response.

  I'd like to see the bar number displayed on the next line as that is
when the incomplete measure is completed.

  Perhaps that is an incorrect expectation.

  I indeed hope that with the next release I'll be able to have the
bar number displayed automatically or have a mechanism to force it to
be displayed.

  It is by no means a show-stopper :-)


On Sat, Feb 19, 2022 at 7:53 PM Brian Barker <b.m.bar...@btinternet.com> wrote:
> At 17:16 19/02/2022 -0800, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> >bar count not displayed after partial measure followed by forced line break
> >
> >I am engraving some music where there is a partial measure starting
> >the music and later a measure is broken at a line break. To
> >implement this I tried using:
> >\bar "||"
> >\break
> >to display the end of line and then resume on the following line.
> >The completed measure, at the beginning of the line, does not have a
> >bar number displayed. I am using bar checks. Lilypond 2.22.1
> I'd find a bare bar number labelling what is an incomplete bar
> confusing. Indeed, Elaine Gould tells me "Place the bar number on the
> new system in parenthesis to show that this is not the beginning of
> the bar" (Behind Bars, p. 490).
> The 2.23 Notation Reference says (at 1.2.5 Bars) "_Printing bar
> numbers for broken measures_ By default a BarNumber of a broken
> measure is not repeated at the beginning of the new line. Use
> first-bar-number-invisible-save-broken-bars for barNumberVisibility
> to get a parenthesized BarNumber there." and provides a snippet. I
> don't see the snippet in the 2.22 documentation, but it does work in
> that version.
> I trust this helps.
> Brian Barker

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