Hello Kieren, that seems to be correct. One could also try something like this.
Cheers, Valentin Am Samstag, 22. Jänner 2022, 03:22:42 CET schrieb Kenneth Wolcott: > Hi; > > I have a piece of music from which I am engraving that confuses me. > > At bar #13 there is the Segno sign. > > At the end of bar #20 there is a "Fine". > > At the end of the piece (bar #37) there is a "D.S. al Fine". > > I'd like to have Lilypond generate midi output that would match this > intent. > > Does this mean: > Play all the way through; then start at the Segno and continue until the > Fine? > > I think that's what it means. > > So I need to have bar #1 to bar #12 in one macro; > bar #13 through bar #20 in a second macro; > and the third macro would contain bars 21-33. > > Then I need "M_one", "M_two", "M_three", followed by "M_two" to > implement this in the midi score section. > > Is that correct? > > Thanks, > Ken Wolcott
unfoldJumpMarks = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) (let ((jump-points '()) (jump-marks '()) (chained-jumps '()) (current-fine #f) (result-music '())) (define (search-music music) (let ((this-jump-points (ly:music-property music 'jump-points)) (jump-details (ly:music-property music 'jump-details))) (for-each (lambda (x) (set! jump-points `((,x . ,music) . ,jump-points))) this-jump-points) (if (not (null? jump-details)) (set! jump-marks `((,music . ,jump-details)))))) (define (listify-music music-list) (if (null? music-list) '() (begin (ly:music-set-property! (car music-list) 'LIST-next (listify-music (cdr music-list))) (car music-list)))) (define (walk-search-music music) (let ((elts (ly:music-property music 'elements))) (listify-music elts) (map search-music elts) (if (not (assoc-get 'BEGIN-OF-PIECE jump-points #f)) (set! jump-points `((BEGIN-OF-PIECE . ,(car elts)) . ,jump-points))))) (define (build-music) (let ((current-pos (assoc-get 'BEGIN-OF-PIECE jump-points))) (while #t (set! result-music (cons current-pos result-music)) (let* ((mem-pos current-pos) (next-el (ly:music-property current-pos 'LIST-next)) (this-j-point (any (lambda (x) (if (or (eq? current-pos (assoc-get (car x) jump-points)) (and ;; treat end of music as begin-jump-mark END-OF-PIECE (equal? (car x) 'END-OF-PIECE) (null? next-el))) x #f)) chained-jumps)) (this-jump-instruction (assq-ref jump-marks current-pos)) (this-jump-instruction (if this-jump-instruction this-jump-instruction '()))) (if this-j-point ;; reached a triggered jump (begin (set! current-pos (assoc-get (cdr this-j-point) jump-points)) (set! chained-jumps (delete this-j-point chained-jumps))) (if (or (null? this-jump-instruction) (not (car this-jump-instruction))) ;; no active jump-mark was found (if (or (null? next-el) (eq? current-pos (assoc-get current-fine jump-points))) ;; no jump and no more music or at fine (break) (set! current-pos next-el)) ;; set to next element (let* ((now-jump (car this-jump-instruction)) ;; found am active jump mark, perform jump (first-jump (first now-jump)) (following-jumps (second now-jump)) (this-fine (if (> (length now-jump) 2) (third now-jump) #f))) (set! current-pos (assoc-get first-jump jump-points)) (set! chained-jumps (append following-jumps chained-jumps)) (if this-fine (set! current-fine this-fine))))) (if (not (null? this-jump-instruction)) (set! jump-marks (assq-set! jump-marks mem-pos (cdr this-jump-instruction)))))))) (walk-search-music music) (build-music) (ly:music-set-property! music 'elements (reverse result-music)) music)) jumpPoint = #(define-music-function (mark music) (symbol? ly:music?) (ly:music-set-property! music 'jump-points (cons mark (ly:music-property music 'jump-points))) music) jumpMark = #(define-music-function (dets music) (list? ly:music?) (ly:music-set-property! music 'jump-details dets) music) %\unfoldJumpMarks { c' d' e' f' g' a' b' c'' } %\unfoldJumpMarks { c' d' e' f' \jumpPoint BEGIN-OF-PIECE g' a' b' c'' } { \tweak color #red c'^"begin" d' e' \jumpPoint fine \tweak color #green f'^"fine" \jumpPoint segno \tweak color #blue g'^"segno" a' b' \jumpMark #'((BEGIN-OF-PIECE ((fine . BEGIN-OF-PIECE))) (segno ((END-OF-PIECE . BEGIN-OF-PIECE)) fine)) \tweak color #yellow c''^\markup\column{ "(1) D.C.→fine & D.C.→'()" "(2) D.S.→END & D.C.→fine" } d'' e'' f'' g'' } {\omit TextScript \unfoldJumpMarks { \tweak color #red c'^"begin" d' e' \jumpPoint fine \tweak color #green f'^"fine" \jumpPoint segno \tweak color #blue g'^"segno" a' b' \jumpMark #'((BEGIN-OF-PIECE ((fine . BEGIN-OF-PIECE))) (segno ((END-OF-PIECE . BEGIN-OF-PIECE)) fine)) \tweak color #yellow c''^\markup\column{ "(1) D.C.→fine & D.C.→'()" "(2) D.S.→END & D.C.→fine" } d'' e'' f'' g'' } }
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