
  I have a piece of music from which I am engraving that confuses me.

  At bar #13 there is the Segno sign.

  At the end of bar #20 there is a "Fine".

  At the end of the piece (bar #37) there is a "D.S. al Fine".

  I'd like to have Lilypond generate midi output that would match this intent.

  Does this mean:
  Play all the way through; then start at the Segno and continue until the Fine?

I think that's what it means.

So I need to have bar #1 to bar #12 in one macro;
bar #13 through bar #20 in a second macro;
and the third macro would contain bars 21-33.

Then I need "M_one", "M_two", "M_three", followed by "M_two" to
implement this in the midi score section.

Is that correct?

Ken Wolcott

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