2.5.23 MacOS 10.3.9

I have some questions relating to the file enclosed below.

1) First, a possible bug: My glissando in the first measure dissappeared (but the gliss between measures 11/12 is present). I think it happened when I implemented the voltas (please correct my pluralization if I have it wrong). Lilypond is not giving errors, but that does not exclude poor implementation on my part.

2) I would like a fat, wavy gliss instead of the default, tiny gliss (I saw some notes about this and I haven't finished reading them, so I'm not at the end of my rope on this one yet).

3) I need to move a lot of my chords left an eighth note. That is, the correct pattern is largely 3/8, 5/8. I'm still trying to figure out how to implement this well (do I need to use--a plethora of--silent rests?--shudder at the thought). Also, I need a tacit chord in the 27th measure; I can probably figure out the tacit on my own once I get the chords over the right beats.

4) I wish to move the volta braces above the chords. Again, there are already notes online about this, so no need to answer this one yet.

5) Last but not least, besides numbers one and three above, my most pressing need for input regards the volta arrangement and the ending of the song:

The first alternative is really the first and third alternative.

The second alternative is perfect the way it is (nice, by the way).

The third alternative is really a fine or coda or fourth ending (it's semantic to me, but you may feel differently). It can be tacked on at the end of the song or left where it is; doesn't matter to me.

In other words, we end on the second 'A' part which shows as the third alternative on the present file.

I'm happy to use a a hybrid of volta notation and d.s. al fine or d.s. al coda, but I haven't figured out a CLEAR way to do this. Any ideas?

[In case you're curious this is written for mandolin lead with guitar chords.]

Any help is very much appreciated!


== file in question follows ==

%% Thanks to the makers of LilyPond we are able to bring this to you!

#(set-default-paper-size "letter")

\version "2.5.23"

\header {
  title = "Dalmatian Strut"
  composer = "Bob Stillinger"
  enteredby="Robert Thomas Wyatt"
  maintainer="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
  style = "Bluegrass"
  copyright = "All rights reserved. 2005"
  lastupdated = "2005/May/9"
  filename  = "DalmatianStrut.ly"

\chords {
\partial 8*3 s4.
\repeat volta 3 {
d2:m  a2:7 | d2:7 g2 | g2:m d2:m |
\alternative {
{ a2:7 d2:m | }
{ a2:7 d2:m | }
{ a1:7 | d1:m | }
c1 | f1 | cis1:dim7 | d1:m |
bes1 | f1 | g1 | a1 |
c1 | f1 | cis1:dim7 | d1:m |
bes2 c2 | d1:m | bes2 c2 | f1 |
bes2 c2 | a1:m | bes1 | a1:7 |
\relative { \time 4/4 \key d \minor
#(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)
\partial 8*3 a'8 b cis |
\bar "|:"
\repeat volta 3 {
d8 e d cis~ cis4\glissando a8 b |
c8 e c b~\turn b4 g8 a |
bes8 d bes a~ a g f g |
\alternative {
{ a8 e a d~ d a b cis | \bar ":|" }
{ a8 e a d,~ d4 des | \bar "||" }
{ a'4 e2 a4 | d,1 \bar "|." }

c8 e g c~ c a~ a g~ |
g8 f~ f e f a f f~ |
f8  e~ e dis e a e4 |
d4. d8~ d c~ c a |

bes d f bes~ bes a~ a g\glissando | a a~ a c a g a c | b g b d g f~ f e~ | e cis~ cis e bes e a,4 |

c,8 e g c~ c a~ a g~ |
g f~ f e f a f f~ |
f e~ e dis e a e4 |
d4. d8~d c~ c a |

bes8\> d f c~ c e g a~ |
a d c a g f d c |
bes d f c~ c e g a~ |
a g' f e d c bes a\! |

bes, d f c~ c e g a~ | a a' g f e d c bes~\turn | bes a bes a g a f e~ | e2~ e8 a b cis | \bar ":|" } >>

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