Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Robert T Wyatt wrote:

2.5.23 MacOS 10.3.9

1) First, a possible bug: My glissando in the first measure dissappeared (but the gliss between measures 11/12 is present). I think it happened when I implemented the voltas (please correct my pluralization if I have it wrong). Lilypond is not giving errors, but that does not exclude poor implementation on my part.

I see one here, using 2.5.24.

I'm sorry for not understanding this reply. Do you mean that you see a bug or an error?

2) I would like a fat, wavy gliss instead of the default, tiny gliss (I saw some notes about this and I haven't finished reading them, so I'm not at the end of my rope on this one yet).

Try playing with the following settings:

\override Glissando  #'style = #'zigzag
\override Glissando  #'thickness = 3

Still trying to make them show back up, but I'm not sure where to put these two lines. Below is where I am at the moment.
Missing glissando are at measures 1, 11/12, and 26.

With your help Mats, I have come very close to finishing this file. Thank you very, very much!

%% Thanks to the makers of LilyPond we are able to bring this to you!
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
\version "2.5.23"

\header {
 title = "Dalmatian Strut"
 composer = "Bob Stillinger"
 enteredby="Robert Thomas Wyatt"
 maintainer="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
 style = "Bluegrass"
 copyright = "All rights reserved. 2005"
 lastupdated = "2005/May/11"
 filename  = ""

\chords { % Here starts the chords
\partial 8*3 s4.
\repeat volta 2 { % Begin A chords
d4.:m a2*5/4:7 | d4.:7 g2*5/4:7 | g4.:m d2*5/4:m |
\alternative {
{ a4.:7 d2*5/4:m | }
{ a4.:7 d2*5/4:m | }

c1 | f1 | cis1:dim7 | d1:m | % Begin B chords
bes1 | f1 | g1 | a1 |
c1 | f1 | cis1:dim7 | d1:m |
bes4. c2*5/4:7 | d1:m | bes4. c2*5/4:7 | f1 |
bes4. c2*5/4:7 | a1:m | bes1 | a1:7 |

\repeat volta 2 { % Restate A chords
d4.:m a2*5/4:7 | d4.:7 g2*5/4:7 | g4.:m d2*5/4:m |
\alternative {
{ a4.:7 d2*5/4:m | }
{ a1:7 | d1:m | }

} % Here ends the chords

\relative { \time 4/4 \key d \minor % Here starts the melody
#(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)
\override Glissando #'style = #'zigzag
\override Glissando #'thickness = 3

\partial 8*3 a'8 b cis | % Partial measure

\repeat volta 2 { % Repeat A and B together
\bar "|:"
\repeat volta 2 { % Repeat A before playing B
d8\pp e d cis~ cis4 \glissando a8 b |
c8 e c b~\mordent b4 g8 a |
bes8 d bes a~ a g f g |
\alternative { % First A ending
{ a8 e a d~ d a b cis | \bar ":|" } % Second A ending
{ a8 e a d,~ d4 des | \bar "||" }

c8\p e g c~ c a~ a g~ | % Begin B
g8 f~ f e f a f f~ |
f8 e~ e dis e a e4 |
d4. d8~ d c~ c a |

bes d f bes~ bes a~ a g \glissando | a a~ a c a g a c | b g b d g f~ f e~ | e cis~ cis e bes e a,4 |

c,8 e g c~ c a~ a g~ |
g f~ f e f a f f~ |
f e~ e dis e a e4 |
d4. d8~d c~ c a |

bes8\< d f c~ c e g a~ |
a d c a g f d c |
bes d f c~ c e g a~ |
a g' f e d c bes a\! |

bes, d f c~ c e g a~ |
a a' g f e d c bes~\mordent |
bes a bes a g a f e~ |
e2~ e8 a b cis |
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #0
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #1.2
\mark "D.C. al Fine"
\bar ":|:" } % End B go back to Top

\repeat volta 2 { % End song with A (repeated)
d8\pp e d cis~ cis4 \glissando a8 b |
c8 e c b~\mordent b4 g8 a |
bes8 d bes a~ a g f g |

\alternative {
{ a8 e a d~ d a b cis | \bar ":|" } % First (and third) A ending
{ a4 e2 a4 | d,1 | % Last four measures of song
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #right
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'break-visibility = #begin-of-line-invisible
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'font-size = #0
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'padding = #1.2
\mark "Fine"
\bar "|." }

} % Here ends the melody

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