Hi all, In musical theatre (and some other situations), it isn’t always optimal to have all pages full of music — in particular, the layout may be such that it’s best for the performer to turn the page one or more systems “early”. In such cases, it’s convention (at least in musical theatre scores) to put a marking — often “V.S.” — in large bold text, and leave the remainder of the [vertical] page blank.
Is there a “natural” way to accomplish this in Lilypond? I’ve been using the edition-engraver to inject a markup with “[effectively] infinite height” in the last measure before where I need the page turn to be… but it would be even better if there was some mechanism where the user could write \VS and it would add the markup, force a page turn, and not try to fill the page [if ragged-bottom is set to ##f]. Thanks for any thoughts or code! Kieren.