Hi all, I'm cramming out scores for an upcoming workshop of a new musical**, and am once again in need this ChordName alignment feature. Is anyone out there able to shepherd me through building a callback to make this happen?
Thanks, Kieren. > On Jun 16, 2018, at 1:41 PM, Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca> > wrote: > > Hi all, > > I would like my chord names to be centred until they’re of a certain width > (say as wide as Cm7), and anything wider than that would extend to the right > from a position slightly to the left of the note column they’re attached to > (as if X-offset = -1). > > Would this best be done with a Scheme callback function (maybe attached to > #'after-line-breaking or #'before-line-breaking)? I'm happy to try to solve > the problem myself (i.e., poke around at the Scheme until I run into a > serious roadblock), but want to at least start down the correct path. > > Thanks for any pointers! > Kieren.