Hi Valentin!

Thanks very much for your help!

How would I go about to make the function climb the music tree? (There are 
nested sequential music expressions, needed for another function to work)

Could I use for-some-music in some way?

> 21 dec. 2021 kl. 00:15 skrev Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at>:
> Hello Leo,
> Maybe something like this? Here we create a time table of articulations, and 
> then apply these articulations on music. This method does only handle flat 
> music for now. If there are nested constructs of consecutive music we’d need 
> to modify the function to basically walk the full music tree.
> Cheers,
> Valentin
#(define (moment->number mom)
   (let ((frac (moment->fraction mom)))
     (/ (car frac) (cdr frac))))

#(define (make-time-table music)
   (define (make-pairs list-of-music current-time)
     (if (null? list-of-music)
         (let* ((next (car list-of-music))
                (mom (ly:music-length next))
                (duration (moment->number mom))
                (articulations (ly:music-property next 'articulations)))
           (cons (cons current-time articulations)
                 (make-pairs (cdr list-of-music) (+ current-time duration))))))
    (ly:music-property music 'elements)

applyTable =
#(define-music-function (timetable music) (list? ly:music?)
   (define (apply-table list-of-music current-time current-timetable)
     (if (and (not (null? list-of-music)) (not (null? current-timetable)))
         (let* ((next-table-pair (car current-timetable))
                (table-time (car next-table-pair))
                (table-articulations (cdr next-table-pair))
                (current-music (car list-of-music))
                (current-articulations (ly:music-property current-music 'articulations))
                (current-elements (ly:music-property current-music 'elements))
                (current-mom (ly:music-length current-music))
                (current-mom-num (moment->number current-mom))
                (next-time (+ current-time current-mom-num))
                (next-table current-timetable))
           (while (and (not (null? next-table)) (< (caar next-table) next-time))
                  (set! next-table (cdr next-table)))
           (if (and (= current-time table-time)
                    (music-is-of-type? current-music 'note-event))
               (ly:music-set-property! current-music
                                       (append current-articulations table-articulations)))
           (if (and (= current-time table-time)
                    (music-is-of-type? current-music 'event-chord))
               (ly:music-set-property! current-music
                                       (append current-elements table-articulations)))
           (apply-table (cdr list-of-music) next-time next-table))))
    (ly:music-property music 'elements)

articulations = { s16_> s16_> s16 s16_. s16_- s8_> s16_! s8__ s8__ s16_.  s8_- s16_. }
#(define myTable (make-time-table articulations))
%#(display myTable)

 \new RhythmicStaff \with { \override Script.Y-offset = #-1.7 } 
<< { s16_> s16_> s16 s16_. s16_- s8_> s16_! s8__ s8__ s16_.  s8_- s16_. }
  { f'16 16 16 16 16 8 16 8 8 16 8 16 } >>

% but also apply the first sequential expressions, with the articulations, to for instance

\new RhythmicStaff { c'8. 16 8. 16 8 r8 8. 16 }

% so that the result would be 

\new RhythmicStaff \with { instrumentName = "this method" }
\applyTable #myTable { c'8. 16 8. 16 8 r8 8. 16 }

\new RhythmicStaff { c'8._> 16-. 8._- 16_! 8__  r8 8.-. 16-. }

% or to 

\new RhythmicStaff {c'16 16 16 16 r8. 16 r8 16 16 r16 8. }

\new RhythmicStaff \with { instrumentName = "this method" }
\applyTable #myTable {c'16 16 16 16 r8. 16 r8 16 16 r16 8. }

% getting

\new RhythmicStaff {c'16_> 16_> 16 16_. r8. 16_! r8 16__ 16 r16 8._- }

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