Hello Leo, Maybe something like this? Here we create a time table of articulations, and then apply these articulations on music. This method does only handle flat music for now. If there are nested constructs of consecutive music we’d need to modify the function to basically walk the full music tree.
Cheers, Valentin
#(define (moment->number mom) (let ((frac (moment->fraction mom))) (/ (car frac) (cdr frac)))) #(define (make-time-table music) (define (make-pairs list-of-music current-time) (if (null? list-of-music) '() (let* ((next (car list-of-music)) (mom (ly:music-length next)) (duration (moment->number mom)) (articulations (ly:music-property next 'articulations))) (cons (cons current-time articulations) (make-pairs (cdr list-of-music) (+ current-time duration)))))) (make-pairs (ly:music-property music 'elements) 0)) applyTable = #(define-music-function (timetable music) (list? ly:music?) (define (apply-table list-of-music current-time current-timetable) (if (and (not (null? list-of-music)) (not (null? current-timetable))) (let* ((next-table-pair (car current-timetable)) (table-time (car next-table-pair)) (table-articulations (cdr next-table-pair)) (current-music (car list-of-music)) (current-articulations (ly:music-property current-music 'articulations)) (current-elements (ly:music-property current-music 'elements)) (current-mom (ly:music-length current-music)) (current-mom-num (moment->number current-mom)) (next-time (+ current-time current-mom-num)) (next-table current-timetable)) (while (and (not (null? next-table)) (< (caar next-table) next-time)) (set! next-table (cdr next-table))) (if (and (= current-time table-time) (music-is-of-type? current-music 'note-event)) (ly:music-set-property! current-music 'articulations (append current-articulations table-articulations))) (if (and (= current-time table-time) (music-is-of-type? current-music 'event-chord)) (ly:music-set-property! current-music 'elements (append current-elements table-articulations))) (apply-table (cdr list-of-music) next-time next-table)))) (apply-table (ly:music-property music 'elements) 0 timetable) music) articulations = { s16_> s16_> s16 s16_. s16_- s8_> s16_! s8__ s8__ s16_. s8_- s16_. } #(define myTable (make-time-table articulations)) %#(display myTable) << \new RhythmicStaff \with { \override Script.Y-offset = #-1.7 } << { s16_> s16_> s16 s16_. s16_- s8_> s16_! s8__ s8__ s16_. s8_- s16_. } { f'16 16 16 16 16 8 16 8 8 16 8 16 } >> % but also apply the first sequential expressions, with the articulations, to for instance \new RhythmicStaff { c'8. 16 8. 16 8 r8 8. 16 } % so that the result would be \new RhythmicStaff \with { instrumentName = "this method" } \applyTable #myTable { c'8. 16 8. 16 8 r8 8. 16 } \new RhythmicStaff { c'8._> 16-. 8._- 16_! 8__ r8 8.-. 16-. } % or to \new RhythmicStaff {c'16 16 16 16 r8. 16 r8 16 16 r16 8. } \new RhythmicStaff \with { instrumentName = "this method" } \applyTable #myTable {c'16 16 16 16 r8. 16 r8 16 16 r16 8. } % getting \new RhythmicStaff {c'16_> 16_> 16 16_. r8. 16_! r8 16__ 16 r16 8._- } >>
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