Hello Paolo,
as far as I'm concerned there is nothing hacky about using footer markup for 
its intended purpose, that is placing stuff at the bottom of the page. Rather 
any other method would probably involve lots of volatile hacks. In my book a 
hack would be abusing some functionality in some unintended way to get 
unsupported functionality. Using footer markup does not seem like such a thing. 
Of course you could change Lilypond's whole page layout system to effectively 
have two footer markups, but pretty much the same can be achieved with setting 
the footer markup to something that matches what you want.

Indeed, Lilypond's text processing capabilities are rather limited.


17.12.2021 06:43:09 Paolo Prete <paolopr...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Valentin
> On Friday, December 17, 2021, Valentin Petzel <valen...@petzel.at> wrote:
>> Hello Paolo,
>> That is to be expected, as the copyright field is simply used in the default
>> footer markup (as I’ve hinted before). Still, is there any reason not to use
>> the footer markup for that one?
> Because this would be a hack. I don't like to put hacks in my code, and I use 
> them only if I really don't have alternatives. Hacks break readibility of the 
> code and cause problems when the code has to be reused in the future. That 
> said, I'm noting that there are limitations in LP regarding the format of the 
> introductory pages of the score. This is normal, because LP is a program for 
> writing scores, not books. Therefore, I think that the best way to obtain 
> what I need is to edit these pages with another program and then append them 
> to the generated PDF of the score through a script. 
> Best, 
> P

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