Thanks to all the participants to this thread. I'm a bit stuck into this.
Unfortunately, if I use the copyright field of \header and I remove the
footer from the paper, then the copyright field disappears:

\paper {
  bottom-margin = 8
  top-margin = 8
  % oddFooterMarkup = \markup \fill-line { " " }

\header {
  copyright = \markup \fill-line
  { \raise #10 \box "String two" }

\markup {
  { \lower #10 \box "String one" }

On Thu, Dec 16, 2021 at 11:25 PM Timothy Lanfear <> wrote:

> On 16/12/2021 21:34, Paolo Prete wrote:
> > Hello Valentin and David,
> >
> > I could place the text at the bottom of the page, with \header {
> > copyright = "some text" } but I wonder if is there a way to offset it
> > (from bottom) of a given value (without setting \paper { bottom-margin
> > = offset }, which would affect the entire document.
> >
> >
> Could you use the \raise and \lower markup commands?
> \header { copyright = \markup { \raise #10 "Copyright" } }
> --
> Timothy Lanfear, Bristol, UK.

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