I am showing a part of the completed score. The problem was not the beaming but the text distribution in the original example.

AutobeamingOff was correct for the First line , the line with the beamExceptions took care of the eigths and the corresponding text in the second line.

Kind regards

Am 14.11.2021 um 01:19 schrieb Valentin Petzel:
Hello Bernhard,

I think you’re tackling the wrong problem. First of all you can use manual
beaming without \autoBeamOff. But then your manual beams appear to be only
nescessary because 3/4 time sets a so called beaming exception for eigth
notes, so instead of 8[ 8] 8[ 8] 8[ 8] you have 8[ 8 8 8 8 8]. Your beaming
basically just reverts this.

So instead of doing manual beaming you should get rid of this beaming
exception by doing
\set beamExceptions = #()


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