
Am 13.11.21 um 01:55 schrieb Leo Correia de Verdier:
Since ties can only occur between noteheads in the same voice, you have to ”fake” it by introducing hidden noteheads in one of the voices that can hold the tie, for instance like:

\version "2.22.0"
\relative c' {
\key gis \minor
\time 3/4
s2 s8.
  { < gis_~ cisis gis'~ >16
    < gis  gis' >4 < ais  ais' > }
{ \once \hideNotes <cisis^~ gis>16 cisis!2 }

Here are two different approaches without using hidden notes; each with their respective pro's and con's:

\version "2.22.0"
\relative c' {
  \key gis \minor
  \time 3/4
  s2 s8.
      \once \oneVoice <gis_~ gis'~>16
      <gis gis'>4 <ais ais'>
      \once \voiceOne
      \once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 0
      \once \omit Stem
      cisis4*1/4~ cisis!2


\version "2.22.0"

\layout {
  \context {
    \remove Tie_engraver
  \context {
    \consists Tie_engraver

\relative c' {
  \key gis \minor
  \time 3/4
  s2 s8.
  \once \oneVoice <gis_~ cisis^~ gis'~>16
      <gis gis'>4 <ais ais'>

The second one is at the same time very convenient and quite prone to unwanted side-effects.


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