On Wed 27 Oct 2021 at 14:59:43 (-0400), Kevin Cole wrote: > I've mentioned before that I (a) don't read music, and (b) am pretty > much a beginner with LilyPond. > > Before I make TOO many mistakes, and make a royal mess of things, I > thought I'd offer up the three wee songs I've entered thus far.
They're really well presented scores. Were I setting them, I'd make a couple of tweaks: . placing the "3" of triplets above the stave, and . adding lyric extenders, like so: words = \lyricmode { A __ blos -- som there blows That scoffs at the snows, And fa -- ces, root -- fast, The rage of the blast; Yet sweet -- ens a sod No slave ev -- er trod, Since the moun -- tains up -- reared Their al -- tars to God. That flow'r of the free Is __ the hea -- ther, the __ hea -- ther! It springs where the sea And the land leap to -- geth -- er. Six Na -- tions are we, Yet be -- neath its bright fea -- ther, To -- day we are one __ Where -- so -- ev -- er we be. } I think you had already intended to place a lyric extender on "one" in the last line, but left out the space. The result was that the two underscores were interpreted as fixed-width spaces, which just happen to have no effect here. Cheers, David.