Kevin, I get 404 Not Found errors fir the .ly source links. But the
engravings and audio pages all work well. Very nicely done!!


On Wed, Oct 27, 2021, 2:31 PM Kevin Cole <> wrote:

> I've mentioned before that I (a) don't read music, and (b) am pretty
> much a beginner with LilyPond.
> Before I make TOO many mistakes, and make a royal mess of things, I
> thought I'd offer up the three wee songs I've entered thus far. The
> sources:
> Resulting in:
> Both the sources and the HTML pages have URLs linking back to the
> corresponding pages in the PDF I put up on the Internet Archive. The
> LilyPond sources have the URL at the top of the files, and the HTML
> pages have a link at the bottom of each page.
> I'm really only concerned here with how to better grok LilyPond.
> P.S. The Sphinx LilyPond extension, at the moment, doesn't handle
> repeats in the audio playback bars beneath the scores. Nothing I can
> do about that at the moment. Also, the Preface to the Online Edition,
> in addition to offering up my completely unqualified critique and
> opinions, provides links to the tools used, etc. (Don't worry about
> the long section introductions. I've roped milady into proofreading
> those, and she has a VERY critical eye for such things.)

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