On Fri 22 Oct 2021 at 17:22:16 (+0200), Jogchum Reitsma wrote: > I get the attached screenshot. > > But I would expect (and want...) the text snippet "ste"placed on the > three first quarter notes of the bar, and the following "e" on the > lat quarter. > > The "lei -- son" then should be placed at the next bar. > > What do I do wrong here?
You should read § 2.1.1 of NR, particularly at "Aligning lyrics to a melody", "Using associatedVoice", "Multiple notes to one syllable" and "Divisi lyrics". For small areas of non-matching rhythms, they work well, but I find the method following, in "Polyphony with shared lyrics", scales better than the others. An example, hacked from a hymn, is attached. I copy one of the parts (usually soprano) as the basis of the "align" variable, and then subdivide (using ties) any note where another part moves. This looks after the alignment of syllables, and extension generation (manually set here). What I don't do is to copy/paste the moving parts themselves, like the first NR example does: time-wasting and error-prone IMO. The three-voice example is more how I do it, but uses slurs rather than my ties. Cheers, David.
\language "english" \layout { indent = 0 \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } \context { \Staff \omit TimeSignature } } \paper { #(set-paper-size "a5landscape") print-page-number = ##f ragged-right = ##f } global = { \key g \major \time 4/4 } align = \relative e' { e2~ e4 e a gs a b c8~ c b4 a8~ a g~ g a2.~ a4 } soprano = \relative e' { e2. e4 a gs a b c b a g a1 } alto = \relative c' { c2. d4 c e e e e e e e fs1 } tenor = \relative { g2. gs4 a d c d c8( a) gs4 a8( e') d[( cs]) d4( a d c) } bass = \relative { c4( d c) b a b a gs a b c e d1 } textii = \lyricmode { Born __ a -- gain of wa -- ter and the Ho -- ly __ Dove, __ } \score { \transpose f f \new ChoirStaff << \new Staff << \clef treble \global \new NullVoice = valign { \voiceOne \align } \new Lyrics \lyricsto valign { \textii } \new Voice { \voiceOne \soprano } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \alto } >> \new Staff << \clef bass \global \new Voice { \voiceOne \tenor } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \bass } >> >> \layout { } }
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