You did nothing wrong. A change in how these polyphonic contexts work now
results in this kind of lyric placement. I have to add \skip1 *in the
lyrics* for each note I need the text shifted. In this case I think two are


Guy S.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021, 10:23 AM Jogchum Reitsma <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Noting
> <<
>    \new Voice {
>      <<
>        {
>          \voiceOne
>           a( \melisma bes c) \melismaEnd bes
>        }
>        \new Voice {
>          \voiceTwo
>           f2. f4
>        }
>      >>
>      \oneVoice
>     }
>  >>
>   and corresponding text:
> ste e --  lei --  son
> I get the attached screenshot.
> But I would expect (and want...) the text snippet "ste"placed on the
> three first quarter notes of the bar,  and the following "e" on the lat
> quarter.
> The "lei -- son" then should be placed at the next bar.
> What do I do wrong here?
> Thanks in advance!
> regards, Jogchum

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