Jean, thank you! This should be the default behavior, imo...
- Rehearsal marks and tempo markings Nuno Trocado
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo markings Jean Abou Samra
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo markings Nuno Trocado
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo markings Nuno Trocado
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo markings Jean Abou Samra
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo markin... Nuno Trocado
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo ma... Jean Abou Samra
- Re: Rehearsal marks and temp... fremoin
- Re: Rehearsal marks and temp... Jean Abou Samra
- Re: Rehearsal marks and temp... fremoin
- Re: Rehearsal marks and temp... Nuno Trocado
- Re: Rehearsal marks and tempo markings fremoin