When rehearsal marks and tempo markings coincide in the same bar, the rehearsal mark is shifted slightly upwards to avoid a collision, and ends up in an awkward position... See "B" in the following example: \version "2.19.55" \score{ { r1 \mark \default \tempo 4 = 120 r1 r1 \mark \default \tempo 4 = 120 \repeat unfold 4 c''4 r1 \once \override Score.MetronomeMark.self-alignment-X = -1.25 \mark \default \tempo 4 = 120 \repeat unfold 4 c''4 r1 } }
Every time this happens I have to manually move the tempo marking to the right ("C" in the example). I wonder if there is a better, more automatic way of accomplishing this. Maybe there should be a mechanism like outside-staff-priority, but that moves the element with the lowest priority to the right, instead of away from the staff.