Awesome, thanks!

On Sun, Sep 26, 2021, 06:44 Paul Hodges <> wrote:

> Just insert:
>   \set Score.currentBarNumber = #50
> at the break.  Details are described here:
> Paul
> On 26/09/2021 05:19:00, "Ignacio Lois" <> wrote:
> Hi! I'm having trouble with this and I can't find a solution.
> In this short example I have a volta 4
> and so I'd like the bar numbered 4 to be numbered 10. This is because I'm
> having volta in the parts which are unfolding in the score, and not all
> parts repeat.
> Is there a way to have these repeats without messing with the bar numbers?
> Thanks in advance, as usual.

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