Le 06/09/2021 à 11:37, Paul Hodges a écrit :
Thanks for this explanation, which puts flesh onto the understanding I'd
been coming to.  However, I can't see what your example at the end is
doing.  Commenting out the override makes no difference to the output,
so a little explanation might help me.

Look at the bar numbers towards the end. You'll see that more
systems are put on each page if the \override is present.

What I guess I'd be interested in at this point is a way to force
LilyPond to put the systems closer against its own (not in this case
better!) judgement.  If not, for the time being I'll just have to reduce
the font size slightly and accept the amount of space in the middle of
the page.

You can always trick the page breaking engine by adding
rows of \noPageBreak in a voice with skips and \pageBreak

For example:

\version "2.22.1"

\paper {
  #(set-paper-size "a8")

\new Staff <<
  \relative {
    c d e f
    g a b c
    d e f g
    a b c d
    e f g a
    b c d e
    f g a b
    c d e f
    e a b c
  { \repeat unfold 6 { s1 \noPageBreak } s1 \pageBreak s1*2 }

As far as I can see, the stretchability parameter modifies the
positioning of the staves on the page, but doesn't alter the decision
about whether they can all be fitted on.

I'm pretty sure it does (it's embarrassing that I don't even
know for sure), but this is within the limits of the space
LilyPond guesses is available before line breaking.


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