Setting that option draws coloured lines along the skyline. At first glance the lines hug the notation tightly throughout, as I'd expect. But in the first line of the piece there are a couple of small oddities. (1) towards the end of the third staff (bar 7, secondo), the top skyline has a blip which doesn't relate to any object, except perhaps it relates to (2) at the same place in the staff below there is a tuplet bracket and clashing dynamics (which I intended to revisit later) which are outside the "skyline" (do you have a name for the underneath one?).
It occurs to me that this might be related the two occurrences of the error: "programming error: cyclic dependency: calculation-in-progress encountered for #'adjacent-pure-heights (VerticalAxisGroup); continuing, cross fingers" which I have had since writing that page. Beyond that, I have to admit that this score has a lot of what seem to me to be pretty extreme excursions outside the staves, but all seem reasonably logical to me. Paul On 05/09/2021 23:27:30, "Valentin Petzel" <> wrote: >Okay. The problem seems to be that for the upper system the extent estimate is >larger than it should be. Consider setting the debug-skylines option (-ddebug- >display-skylines from CLI or #(ly:set-option debug-skylines) from file). >Maybe we find something.